You are going to have to learn to sell even if you despise it.
Here’s a few examples (out of a few hundred million):
If you want to start a new business – you are going to have to sell your idea, product or service. You may think you can hire someone to do that. But you won’t even have a business to start with unless you can first sell others on your idea.
If you want a new position at work – you will have to sell yourself.
If you want a new job – you will have to sell yourself.
If you want to successfully bring up a great idea to the boss – you are going to have to sell it.
If you want a date – you will have to sell yourself.
If you want to get into a certain school – you will have to sell yourself.
The choice isn’t whether or not you are in sales – you are – like it or not.
The question is whether or not you are doing a good job at it.
Your life will get better as you get better at sales.
Learn to sell – even if you despise it.