
Sometimes we want to think that we did things all ourselves, that somehow our genius made us who we are – that we are self-created.

But this is simply not the case.

I want to first and foremost thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and give all glory to Him. I pray I can follow His teachings.

Next, in my speaking career, I would not be the speaker I am without the help of many people.

My wife, Katie, has supported me in this crazy journey of being a speaker.  I am thankful that she has believed in me even when she may not have had much reason at all to believe.  Her support has been priceless.

Susan Glenn has coached me over many years on how to deliver great stories and content and I owe much of my success to her patient, honest and phenomenal speech coaching (reach out to Susan at [email protected] if you want coaching from the most patient, honest, valuable speech coach around).

Also, Kathy Loveless gave me one tip -to produce a real estate continuing education class – that ended in me getting hundreds of presentations.

I have also received much valuable feedback from Roscoe Allen (a great business leader and podcaster). Kim Dicou is a brilliant speech writer who has inspired me countless times and gives amazing feedback.

There are so many others who have helped me along the way.

Thank you!



EksAyn Anderson

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