Discover Influence

Principles govern the consequences of our choices. So, let’s figure out what they are – especially when it comes to very important things like relationships. We have two choices when we encounter a principle: 1) align with it; or, 2) ignore it to our peril. Take the principle of gravity: we can align with it– build a hydroelectric dam, start a skydiving company, build a ski resort, etc.–or we can ignore it to our peril and fall off a cliff. Gravity doesn’t change. Our respect and alignment (or not) with the principle is the only thing that changes. Principles govern relationships, too. They, like gravity, are ancient and timeless. And we have the same choice: align or ignore.


2 hours, half day, or experience the full day for maximum effect.


  • C-level employees
  • Sales management and sales professionals
  • Negotiators
  • Customer service employees
  • Marketers
  • Anyone who deals with people on a regular basis


  • Techniques that align with human relations principles that influence people everywhere
  • Proven ways to influence in business, negotiations, and those you love
  • Ways to improve marriages, parent-child, and business relationships
  • How to use powerful principles of human relations in your favor

EksAyn literally wrote the book on how to get in front of decision makers and he has the proof in this Forbes article:

Forbes- 7 Strategies

Anyone can approach an organization; not everyone can get in. The first step in business-to-business sales is getting in the door.

It doesn’t matter if you have the greatest product or the most dynamic presentation if you can’t get in front of the decision maker.

That decision maker is often highly guarded by a savvy gatekeeper who screens out sales calls–leaving even talented, experienced salespeople frustrated by their inability to get access to the right people. The experience of selling to a business isn’t limited to salespeople. At some point, many people find the need to approach an organization, whether it is selling an idea or service, for fundraising needs, or even just selling personal credentials in an interview or audition.

Success in these “sales” approaches comes through impressing key decision makers.

Unlike many trainings that focus on what to do once you have an appointment to sell, EksAyn’s presentation addresses how to get the initial appointment and offers proven methods for getting through to the decision makers. Influence isn’t always where you expect, and this experiential training presents specific principles and techniques that can work wonders in getting you the appointment.


2–4 hour workshop


  • C-level employees with B2B Sales
  • Sales professionals
  • Sales Directors/Managers
  • Negotiators


  • Timeless principles of human relations that influence
  • Ways to get past gatekeepers to the decision makers
  • Specific strategies to get your product or service in front of people who can make the decision to buy
  • Proven ways to influence in business and negotiations
  • Ways to improve business relationships
  • Ways to improve other relationships such as marriages, parent-child relationships

EksAyn knows sales.

As just one example of his success, after only about 3 ½ years with an 11-year-old organization that at one time had hundreds of salespeople, EksAyn closed 3 of the top 6 largest transactions that the organization had ever had in it’s history, including the all-time record for the largest sale, which was over SIX TIMES larger than the next biggest sale the company had EVER had.

EksAyn is an author, sales and negotiation expert, and speaker. EksAyn has been seen on, Speaker Magazine, TV, and various business blogs and podcasts. His books, The Key to the Gate: Principles and Techniques to Get Past Gatekeepers to the Decision Maker, and What I Want My Children to Know Before I Die have sold internationally. EksAyn has extensive selling experience, including selling to governments, associations, and other businesses. His educational background in psychology and life experiences have taught him not only how to connect, communicate, and sell but also how to teach you and your team to increase your sales, negotiate with the best, and create loyal long-term clients.


Here’s the bad news: You can do everything right, and people can still say no.

Here’s the good news: There are things you can do that will immensely increase your chances of getting a yes out of a no situation. When influencing others, we can choose to do anything we want, but we do not control the consequence of our choices.

What controls the consequences? Find out during this interactive experience, where you will examine the principles that govern all human relationships, specific actions you can take to go from no to yes and ways you can learn to influence others.

 Come and learn in this very interactive presentation.


Half day or full day depending on needs.


  • C-level employees
  • Sales management and sales professionals
  • Negotiators
  • Customer service employees
  • Marketers
  • Anyone who deals with people regularly


  • Techniques that align with human relations principles that influence people everywhere
  • Proven ways to influence in business, negotiations, and those you love
  • Ways to improve marriages and parent-child relationships
  • How to use powerful principles of human relations in your favor






Half day or full day depending on needs.


  • C-level employees
  • Sales management and sales professionals
  • Negotiators
  • Customer service employees
  • Marketers
  • Anyone who deals with people regularly


  • Specific actions to take to make it much more likely to go from a no to a yes in any situation
  • Understanding of the principles that govern all human relationships
  • Powerful methods to influence others in business or at home.
  • Knowledge of how to use powerful principles of human relations in your favor

Don't Procrastinate to Learn the Principles of Influence!

EksAyn Anderson

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